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The Twisted Sisterhood: Unraveling The Dark Legacy Of Female Friendships (2010)

The Twisted Sisterhood: Unraveling the Dark Legacy of Female Friendships (2010)

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0345520513 (ISBN13: 9780345520517)
Ballantine Books

About book The Twisted Sisterhood: Unraveling The Dark Legacy Of Female Friendships (2010)

Had to order and wait a few days to get this from my local shop since it's from last year but it was worth it. There's a lot of truth and wisdom here. Someone on the jacket called it an "important book" and I agree. My eyes glazed over a few long-winded parts that weren't as relevant to my life but those were few. This is odd but I would actually recommend starting with the last chapter about sisterhood and the author's final statement and then going back to the beginning just so you're clear on the overriding goal going in. I don't' really get the harsh reviews but maybe it hits too close to home for some? I'm going to recommend for my book club, which will be a stretch since we read mostly fiction! Definitely a lot to think expose of the seamy underbelly of women's interpersonal relationships, the backstabbing, gossiping, alliance-shifting that starts in middle school and never quite goes away. It's interesting how this is considered "normal" or "typical," and yet has devastating consequences. This book ends with an action call to return to civility and change things! As a mom of 2 daughters, I definitely worry for them more than myself. This is definitely an issue I'll be exploring further - the bibliography was quite extensive.

Do You like book The Twisted Sisterhood: Unraveling The Dark Legacy Of Female Friendships (2010)?

A little choppy...but I was able to relate to the book's central message.

I love books about relationships so I did enjoy this.

This should be required reading for all females.

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