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The Truth About Sharks And Pigeons (2011)

The Truth about Sharks and Pigeons (2011)

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Gorilla Books

About book The Truth About Sharks And Pigeons (2011)

The Truth about Sharks and Pigeons is that it's simply not as "brilliant" as the author's own review would have you believe.The book shows a lot of promise at the beginning, but unfortunately never quite delivers on that promise. The wheels well and truly come in the final couple of chapters of the story leaving you with an ending that is as disappointing as it is unsatisfying. It feels like the author ran out of ideas (or patience) and simply decided to bring the book to a speedy conclusion. The book also contains some alternate endings but quite frankly I didn't bother reading any of those. I concluded that if I didn't like the original ending then it seemed very unlikely that any of the alternate endings would be an improvement. I really like the authors sense of humour, there are some genuinely amusing moments in the book but unfortunately this isn't sufficient to distract from the story's rather obvious shortcomings. At the very least this book needs to undergo some kind of quality control, preferably through a competent and reputable editor. The finished product could have been so much better.On the plus side, there's enough in this book to indicate that the author has some real potential for the future. I would be interested to see what he comes out with next. (contains mild spoilers) Not really my type of book. But it was rather enjoyable until almost the end (mostly, the final chapter and epilogue). At the end two thing happen. First, our hero breaks character (this would be plausible in a longer book with actual character development). As it stands we, who have been with the main characters all along and know him to be less than capable, are also presented with what was a kind of cunning plan involving corn flakes. Where did this come from?? It's remotely plausible, though... Second, the author starts making provincial references. Although these references may be acceptable to some people, they are not necessary in the story and the overall background becomes fuzzy and the reader no longer knows who the major players are (including one of the supposedly major ones -- so important that a reference is in the title of the book).

Do You like book The Truth About Sharks And Pigeons (2011)?

very funny but in places bizarre. laughing out loud poolside got me a couple of odd looks.

A quick and funny read,had to read all of it to get it,though.

Couldn't even finish it. Sorry. Not for me.

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