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The Trenches: Billy Stevens, The Western Front, 1914-1918 (2006)

The Trenches: Billy Stevens, The Western Front, 1914-1918 (2006)

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0439938821 (ISBN13: 9780439938822)

About book The Trenches: Billy Stevens, The Western Front, 1914-1918 (2006)

I really think the best way to fix history in people's minds is through stories. At least, that's the way I myself first learnt a lot of history because frankly history books were just so boring. Having been drawn into the story, I was then ready to go and find out more about the facts. I found this book enthralling with lots of fascinating and horrendous detail that allows you to understand the real horrors of trench warfare. The foreshadowing at the beginning regarding the main character's friend is a bit heavy but I really read the book with gusto. I'd strongly recommend it to younger readers (and older readers) who want to find out about life in the trenches during WWI. the author of this book is Billy Stevens and the name of this book is The Trenches.this book is about two young boys in Carlisle they were 15 years old they had a job on the railways and they both decided that they wanted to go to war so they tryed to desscus it with their first his mom did not want him going to war and his best friend rob was aloud to go. So than he asked his dad and he let him go. Next morning they went and signed up they ask their ages they said 15 and they were a little low on soilders so they said yes.for the next couple of weeks him and his friend rob went to a camp.They pulled him aside and heard that he was a telegrapher and wanted him to do it in the war for them. so he went for training for that a couple more weeks than a bus came and they were off to war. they were off right to the trenches for the first couple of months they were in the trenchs and then they got t go to bar for a little bit to wash their clothes. he saw his friend rob so atleast he was alive he thought. but than back to the trenches and than the germans threw mustard gas and it was right on us so i fell down. i woke up in the hospital . i healed for some days and than went back to the trenches and months and months later i got hit with sharpenal. i had to get amputated in my arm and leg and got sent home. i heard that rob got killed by our own team.I could not put this book down. their was so much detail i got addicted to reading this book. By far this was my favourite book ever.yes i would recomend this book the was so so much detail. it went on and on that got you thinking what was gonna happen next.It got me in to thinking what war was about.The charcters in this book were always enthusiastic. They were always their for eachother and at times they would crack up some jokes. Even know people are at war doesnt meen they are mean.the setting was very discriptive of where this war was taking place from all the water to all the mud to all the dead bodies. In the trenches there were some rodents everywhere they were rats but the size of a cat.They ate off the bodies.The setting was very interesting just to hear all the discriptive words that their were to dicribe the trenches.

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