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The Time's Legacy (2010)

The Time's Legacy (2010)

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0007302282 (ISBN13: 9780007302284)
HarperCollins Publishers Ltd

About book The Time's Legacy (2010)

I've found that there are many aspects to Erskine's writing that really grind my gears. The woman protagonist is often at the mercy of the opinions and assistance of the attractive male, or she ends up in a romantic relationship with a man who has physically abused her. While not falling into the latter with Time's Legacy, Erskine goes out of her way to make the reader despise Kieran and then tries to make us sympathize with him! Uh uh. No way, Ms. Erskine. However, in spite of the grating romantic aspects, this was a pretty damn good story. A female vicar experiences visions of spectres from two thousand years ago, including a Druid priestess who may have been a teacher of Jesus Christ himself. Intriguing, great historical detail (even if some of the ancient dialogue felt very off), and ultimately a delightful romp through history and the challenge of one's belief system. I really do not think it is possible for Barbara Erskine to write a bad book. All her books enchant and capture your imagination from the start.I really enjoyed this story, it was different with the church involved this time, but with the same mystery, and spooky happenings.I have said it before , and will say it again, Barbara Erskine, has everything I love about a book, if you like some romance, history, and spooky things, then these are the books for you!

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I enjoyed the book even though it was the usual 'same meat different gravy' Barbara Erskine book. I

Good old Barbara Erskine read. Standard formula but I love!

What can I say? Barbara Erskine never disappoints.


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