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The Three Of Us (2013)

The Three of Us (2013)

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3.38 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book The Three Of Us (2013)

I think I must agree with some of the other reviewers about this shortish M/M novella.There is a good story in here but the author simply crams too many events and too many characters into it. I get it that his point was exactly this, describing the frenzied first days of college for Sam, but if the timeline could have been the same, with the plot forced into a couple of days, then at least the number of pages should have been increased.The pages being as few as they are, all characters except Sam are not as well rounded as they could which is a pity as every single one among them is very interesting in his general characterization and has great potential.Sam as a character is a bit problematic as well. Mr del Mar really overdoes his insecurities and his behaviour is often grotesque. I think his intention was to portray a confused, insecure, clumsy young man but once again he allows himself too few pages to do that and in the first half Sam really looks like a pervy jerk while in the second half he is constantly over the top.As far as the matchmaking is concerned I have no real preference, couples, threesomes, foursomes, but I think it would have been nicer to see the five youths (Sam, Reed, Jeff, Randy AND Jacklyn) together as people on their way to become close and fast friends while the actual ending is rather vague. I uh didn't really like this one =/ It might've been me, but I just felt it was all way too much that happened in 2 days. There were too many characters, and I felt the events were kind of vague. I don't understand how anyone could fall in love with someone else in one day. This story made me think of a Chinese firecracker...background-character-character-event-event-character-character-character-event-event-character-event....and then in the end BOOMmajoreventcharacterbreakdownlovehappyendingDONE!I'm glad the author decided to write prequels because that might actually help me get to know the other characters and not feel like the were fired at me out of nowhere, one after the other.

Do You like book The Three Of Us (2013)?

I hope he continues the series. This was very enjoyable read that left me wanting more!

I really loved this short story!! I only wish it was longer.

Like several of the characters, I, too, feel assaulted.

Definitely a yummy story which needs MORE! Please!!!

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