About book The Things You Find On The Appalachian Trail: A Memoir Of Discovery, Endurance And A Lazy Dog (2010)
This book tells the story of the long hike through the personal voice of the author, different from other accounts I have read. There are many trail characters in this book including the reluctant dog. One of the things I liked best about this author's version of hiking the Appalachian Trail is that he tells of the hardships, but doesn't dramatize them or whine about them. Early in his hike he meets Teresa. Will their trail friendship turn into romance, or will they part as friends on Mt. Katahdin? This is a fun read. The author shares his experience hiking over 2000 miles in 6 months - sometimes through grueling weather and/or terrain. He meets a number of great characters along the way, but the best character is Rufus the dog. The author does a great job writing everything except dialogue. It kind of gets in the way sometimes, but if you're willing to let that slide, it's a fun adventure to tag along on from the comfort of your easy chair.I got this from Amazon for my Kindle a week ago for $3.99. Today it's $9.99 on Amazon. If there is a method to their pricing system, I sure don't know what it is.
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Need to finish when I can borrow from library again.