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The Theory And Practice Of Group Psychotherapy (2005)

The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (2005)

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0465092845 (ISBN13: 9780465092840)
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About book The Theory And Practice Of Group Psychotherapy (2005)

Yalom came into my life just as I started serving as the sole therapist for two groups of child sex offenders. To put it mildly, some sage advice on being a group therapist was sorely needed. This volume is a must-read (yes, all bajillion pages of it) for anyone doing group work, which is the majority of folks in doctoral psychology programs. Yalom's tone is approachable, his sense of humor much appreciated, and his clinical wisdom boundless. I tend to think of books this hefty as in need of good editing, but in this case, there's just a lot to be said on an endlessly interesting subject.

This was assigned reading for my group therapy class during my stint in psychological counseling. It was clear from the outset that all of my professors loved Yalom and now I can better appreciate why. This was a giant book but each chapter is extremely informative and helpful. I was able to use this more during my practical classes, but I think it's still helpful if you're curious about the subject matter or if you tend to find yourself with groups of friends who all seem to have issues and need to find a way to manage them.

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