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The Taming Of Ryder Cavanaugh (2013)

The Taming of Ryder Cavanaugh (2013)

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0062068652 (ISBN13: 9780062068651)

About book The Taming Of Ryder Cavanaugh (2013)

I really liked that Stephanie Laurens stories each have a different feel when you read it. It's been awhile since I've read a Cynster novel but I was able to catch up with this latest Cynster novel, The Taming of Ryder Cavanaugh and I found this quite an emotional read. It was still steamy but it had a more subdued emotional quality that I really enjoyed. I really loved Ryder and I loved how you were able to see his desire for a family like the Cynsters and it was just so sweet. And watching his love develop for Mary was great too. Not sure when the next Cynster novel will come out because Mary was the last one of her generation to find her HEA so we'll see but I just love the Cynsters and hope that Ms. Laurens will continue to write more stories about this family. I wasn't sure if I would like this, but I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed this book. Although the villain was obvious from the beginning, I liked the story. Ryder has become one of my favorite Cynster series heroes (along with Devil and Vane.) This was my first audio with narrator Matthew Brenher and I did not like his female voices. I did like his voice for Ryder (and most of the other male characters), so I will listen again to his work.

Do You like book The Taming Of Ryder Cavanaugh (2013)?

Stephanie Laurens is definitley one of my favourite authors! Love her style ♥

Really long and way too many sex scenes.

I just love the Cynster Family!!!

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