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The Survivors Book I: Summer (2013)

The Survivors Book I: Summer (2013)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 2
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0473256274 (ISBN13: 9780473256272)
V. L. Dreyer

About book The Survivors Book I: Summer (2013)

Seriously disappointed with this book! I was led to expect something different from the typical post apocalyptic zombie fare but this did not strike me as especially different. The writing is not bad, in fact there were moments, when Sandy was on her own that I was actually quite enjoying it, but for the most part it was bland, the characters were bland, the zombies were bland the whole thing was blah blah. The fact that it's set in NZ was supposed to be an important part but apart from the name of a few towns, a tiny sprinkle of kiwi slang, and some token Maori characters (one who happens to have been responsible for raping the main character, which seems a bit racist) I wouldn't have guessed this was supposedly NZ. Sandy's supposed fear of people didn't ring very true as she recovered from it pretty damn quickly and her willingness to let a man she hardly knew touch her as intimately as she allowed didn't really fit alongside the rape trauma. And the whole cliffhanger thing? Please! I couldn't care less if she lives or dies because she was hardly interesting in the first place. This was such an amazing story! I don't get many chances to read many books that are set in New Zealand. So learning about the culture and the people were just as exciting as the story itself. This story made me laugh out loud, shed a tear, and kept me completely captivated throughout. We get a glimpse of what life was like before the disease takes New Zealand, in Sandy's flashbacks. We get a small glimpse into her life the 10 years after as well. She craves human contact, but afraid of being hurt and not just emotionally. If you want to read an amazing zombie apocalypse book don't you dare miss out on this!! Dreyer's writing is amazing and I can't wait to read the next book!!

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Really great story. Loved the characters.


3 and 1/2 stars.

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