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The Sunflower Sword (Andersen Press Picture Books) (2011)

The Sunflower Sword (Andersen Press Picture Books) (2011)

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3.58 of 5 Votes: 3
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0761374868 (ISBN13: 9780761374862)
Andersen Press USA

About book The Sunflower Sword (Andersen Press Picture Books) (2011)

The story is about a boy who wants to be a knight and have a sword to slay dragons. His mother gives him a sunflower to act as a sword. He isn’t too sure about this but goes along with it. He meets many different characters along the way, who he helps; such as a witch.The story is very nice, it teaches children that you can be friends with people who are different, as deep down you are all the same. I read this to a class of 30 5 year olds this week and they did enjoy the story. They commented on the pictures being really lovely and clear. While reading the story all children were engaged and wanted to know what happened next. The language in the book in certain areas I thought was too advanced for this age group. There were many words that were out of their vocabulary. I explained these words to the children, however it interrupted the flow of the story. The story also I felt came to an abrupt end and children were also not ready for it. They expected there to be more. I would like to thank the publisher for sending me the copy to share with my class. For this review and others please Best for kids ages 4 and upEarly Literacy Skills: Print Motivation, Narrative SkillsFrom cover:In a land filled with fire and smoke and endless fighting, where knights fight dragons, there lives a little knight who wants to be bug like the others, and fight like the others, and have a sword like the others. But his mother won't let him, Instead of a sword, she gives him a sunflower, which, as it turns out, can be mightier than a sword.Bold, colorful, playful illustrations match this cute story perfectly.

Do You like book The Sunflower Sword (Andersen Press Picture Books) (2011)?

Ack, ack, ack. Lesson, lesson, lesson. And they all lived happily ever after.

I agree with the sentiment, but it comes off as very preachy.

A hard way to get roasted sunflower seeds.

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