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The Summerland (2011)

The Summerland (2011)

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3.56 of 5 Votes: 3
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atlantic bridge publishing

About book The Summerland (2011)

The synopsis of this book intrigued me so I was interested to read it and see what the take on it was. What I found was a romance book with only a bit of mystery thrown into it. There was a lot of detail given about the two main characters, plus the supporting cast, but not a lot was actually mentioned about the "nasty man" himself. In my opinion, there could have been more information given regarding the villain of the piece, his thoughts behind his work etc.Saying that though, I did enjoy this book. The ending tied nicely with the 2 main and her sister although, once again, a bit more info on her sister during the latter part of the book might have been more helpful.Not too deep but enjoyable.

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