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The Subtle Build Of Perfection (2000)

The Subtle Build of Perfection (2000)

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3.78 of 5 Votes: 5
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Cobblestone Press

About book The Subtle Build Of Perfection (2000)

3.5*This is a sweet and easy drama, no angst, no shootouts or homophobic family or near death experiences ...Just Conner who works in a video store and meets Dane at work.Dane keeps coming into the store and there really is a subtle build up to their relationship, except of course when Boyd gets involved, he is not subtle, but he is very funny! So, I'm not sure if it will stay with me long, but I enjoyed it while I was reading it! I don’t usually give novellas anything higher than a 3 mainly because they usually lack the connection I like to make with the characters, but this book was just so sweet that I couldn’t resist. I loved Connor in all his naive, bumbling insecurity and Dane is a beautiful, teasing character, not to mention the hilariously sarcastic Boyd. The plot, though short, held my interest and I couldn’t wait for the couple to actually get together. A sweet, sweet read I’d recommend. I hope to find more by this author.

Do You like book The Subtle Build Of Perfection (2000)?

4.5 short, but great characterization ... I really felt the connection between the characters

A short, sweet little contemporary with little conflict but a nice prose style.

This was funny and sweet with a slow burn. Lovely!

3.5- Quick read, but light and fun.

Short but cute.

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