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The Storm Whale (2013)

The Storm Whale (2013)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
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1471115690 (ISBN13: 9781471115691)
Simon & Schuster UK

About book The Storm Whale (2013)

"Noi lived with his dad and six cats by the sea." The premise and set up for this picturebook is wonderful--the illustrations are sweet and a bit naive in style. I thoroughly enjoyed the depiction of animals and had fun finding the cats in every spread. The story itself started so strong that the ending was a let down. When the father said "he had been so busy, he hadn't noticed that Noi was lonely," I expected there to be further companionship provided for the little boy who is left home alone every day as his father fishes for their living. Alas, that is not the case and I would have given this title a solid "4 stars" otherwise. A little boy befriends a beached baby whale after a storm. He keeps the whale a secret for as long as possible, but his father is kind when he discovers the creature in the bathtub and helps the little boy say a proper goodbye.Text is perfect for reading aloud and artwork gives readers plenty of details to dwell on (I definitely challenged myself to find the 6 pet cats on the first spread).PreK-2.

Do You like book The Storm Whale (2013)?

A new favorite. The setting. The characters. The detailed illustrations. LOVE.

This is a moving tale and it is gorgeously illustrated.

Touching, comforting story.

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