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The Spriggan Mirror (2006)

The Spriggan Mirror (2006)

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3.79 of 5 Votes: 4
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0809556723 (ISBN13: 9780809556724)
wildside press

About book The Spriggan Mirror (2006)

This is a book written for the Ethshar world, created by Lawrence Watt-Evans. It concerns the spriggans, as you might have guessed from the title. In fact, it concerns their very existence; how they came to be, what they are how the world could possibly get rid of them.Personally, I'm a huge Ethshar fan. I got all the books, even though I haven't read them all (three more to go). If this is your very first Ethshar experience... then turn back. It's probably not the right place to start. Why do I say that? It's certainly an Ethshar novel, and you can read it on its own, like you can with any of the novels, however, it's a bit slow and doesn't give the best perspective on this world.The Story...In the Spriggan Mirror, we meet Gresh, a supplier of all things magic, well, mostly concerned with magical components for wizards. His life is a quiet one, but one that he thoroughly enjoy. He has lots of sisters, most of which are concerned with magic in some form. One day, he is contacted by the Wizard's Guild. They want Gresh to find the spriggan mirror, the item that spawned (well, spawn) spriggans. They fear that someday the spriggans will rule the world by sheer numbers. This starts a small journey to the west and the Small Kingdoms, mostly on the back of a flying carpet in the company of a wizard named Tobas and his two wives, Alorria and Karanissa.If you enjoy the Ethshar universe, then you'll definitely enjoy this book as well. It gives you a good view on magic, and how not to use it! It's a bit slow on times, especially in the end, when the story is about to peak. It becomes a very thoughtful story and its main characters become very reflective. Personally, I would have liked more information on the spriggans, and the perspective of a few more people.

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