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The Soul Of A Butterfly: Reflections On Life's Journey (2004)

The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life's Journey (2004)

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0743255690 (ISBN13: 9780743255691)
simon & schuster

About book The Soul Of A Butterfly: Reflections On Life's Journey (2004)

Nobody has inspired me more than M Ali in my entire life.Where People of my age are unaware of this boxing legend he continues to be my hero. After reading this book for almost 25 times i just can't get it enough. The fact it's an autobiography of M Ali,this book isn't worth any review. Not just a boxer but man who stood up against racism. There are various things that I have learnt from M Ali.*To stand for what you belief.*Biggest education is not what is taught in school or colleges it's something what you want to learn and it can be only done by observing those people who are good at it.* learn to love yourself and believe that you are the GREATEST *Take criticism positively in order to shine,like the brightest star.* How to destroy the superiority complex and should always be aware of ground realities of earth no matter who you are what you were and what you will be.*wether you do something or you don't people will still criticise you you just have to perform your duty given by the god*real champion is not the one who wins every fight but the one who gets up in-spite all his defeats.*lastly my fav quote "don't quit suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."Soul of a butterfly is one of his books that acts as a bridge between M Ali and all his fans.I am one of his fans from india. I so wish I could travel back in time during 60's and 70's when there was no soccer and cricket and M Ali was all over on radios and newspapers. I am sure This book acts a favourite possession to all M Ali fans. Thanks to M Ali and his daughter Hana for writing this book because as a fan it's the only way to reach M Ali. No matter how many years go down the drain you will still be the greatest for me. It's not the usual review but I am sure this is how every M Ali fan must have felt after reading this book.

Muhammed Ali says it best:"One day I won't be around to answer people's questions, or advise young aspiring athletes. What I want to say is for the people whom I've never met. It is for the boys and girls whose hands I will never hold. It is for the champions to come. These comments are for every spirit on the downside of advantage. Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something deep inside—a desire, a dream, and a vision. They have to have the skill and the will.But the will must be stronger than the skill.When I was boxing I would set a goal for myself to demonstrate to other people what could be done, and to prove to myself that anything was possible when I set a goal then worked to achieve it. We create our own realities according to our thoughts and beliefs. The critics who told me what I couldn't do didn't know as well as I what I was capable of.Everyone wins and everyone loses every now and again. If we didn't experience a loss we would never know what we are capable of. The important thing to remember is:You don't really lose when you fight for what you believe in. You lose when you fail to fight for what you care about."

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"I even had chicken pox at and measles at the same time. My mother used to say that my mind was like the March wind, blowing every which way." 16"But sometimes all you have to do is breathe, and people will have an opinion on how you drew that breath." 69"Turning my back on Malcolm was one of the mistakes that I regret most in my life. I wish I'd been able to tell Malcolm I was sorry, that he was right about so many things. But he was killed before I got the chance. He was a visionary - ahead of us all. /.../ If i could go back and do it all over again, I would never have turned my back on him." 85"You don't really lose when you fight for what you believe in. You lose when you fail to fight for what you care about." 129Age was mind over matter - as long as you don't mind, it doesn't matter. /.../I would later discover that I already had Parkinson's disease. Before that point I could never really say goodbye to boxing, so boxing said goodbye to me." 131About Parkinson:"Some people speak loudly when they're talking to me, some very slowly - or both." 148"And if all that's too much, then I guess I'd settle for being remembered only as a great boxer who became a leader and a champion of his people. And I wouldn't even mind if folks forgot how pretty i was." 205

Muhammad Ali has been one of my favorite athletes since I was a kid, drawn to his brash personality as much as his prowess in the ring. So, when I was asked to write a series of videos that honored his work at the Ali Center in Louisville, KY, I knew the research would be fun. I started - and pretty much finished - here. This autobiography truly lets you into the soul of the man. It's not a detailed look at each stage of his life. Instead, he speaks more philosophically, sharing honest insight as to why he risked his career to protest the Vietnam War, why converting to Islam was the single most important decision of his life, and how Parkinson's has taken its toll. Mostly, he writes from an inspirational perspective, which would be a tad annoying coming from a third-tier athlete, but when the greatest athlete of the 20th century speaks about 'what it takes' and how we all have 'the soul of a butterfly', you really want to believe him.Mainly, I left this book feeling like I was Ali's friend - and that doesn't happen when you read most autobiographies.

This is a great book. I would like to read the 1st Muhammad Ali Autobiography, 'The Greatest - My Own Story', which is out of print. I loved this book. I have the kindle version, I don't know what a paper copy would look like. Some pages have a few short sentences, some of his poetry, some of his daughters poetry. Ali is almost childlike in some of his writings and reflections and I have a real sense that this book was really written by him, and his daughter and not heavily edited. He explains a lot about himself, a lot of things that people don't like about him - 'draft dodger ', black separatist, close friends with Malcolm X. I didn't know so much about him before this, I feel I know a lot now, and I appreciate what Ali has been through. And I think honestly to this day, the ego, the ' I'm so pretty' is still there, and his belief in himself is very real, we should all be so lucky to have that belief in ourselves.

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