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The Social Climber's Handbook: A Novel (2011)

The Social Climber's Handbook: A Novel (2011)

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2.64 of 5 Votes: 4
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0345501896 (ISBN13: 9780345501899)

About book The Social Climber's Handbook: A Novel (2011)

I only finished this book because it was so short and because it is nearly impossible for me to start a book and not finish it. I started it because of the reviews and figured it had to be entertaining. The characters were boring. The plot wasn't at all exciting and I kept waiting for the big plot twist or reveal. I guess I just expected too much of this book. It was not worth reading in my opinion. Not plausible, not funny, not ironic, not worth reading. I'd give it zero stars if that was an option. I was looking for a good beach read--something light after reading a few heavier books. Generally I love reading about the uber-wealthy/social climbing New York women, and had high hopes for this book. But a serial-killing UES mom and wife, marrried to a philandering Wall Street banker who "knows" his wife is killing off first his boss, then two of his mistresses? Nope. Not believeable and while I can suspend disbelief with the best of them, this story doesn't invite disbelief, it just takes short cuts with the narrative as if the author didn't have the energy to work the character through situations that would make sense.

Do You like book The Social Climber's Handbook: A Novel (2011)?

This rating is a little generous. Slow start, strange twists and none of it interesting.

Chose not to finish it. Reasonably well written but ODD.

So far, I'm not thrilled.

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