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The Six Secrets Of Change: What The Best Leaders Do To Help Their Organizations Survive And Thrive (2008)

The Six Secrets of Change: What the Best Leaders Do to Help Their Organizations Survive and Thrive (2008)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 5
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0787988820 (ISBN13: 9780787988821)
Jossey Bass

About book The Six Secrets Of Change: What The Best Leaders Do To Help Their Organizations Survive And Thrive (2008)

I don't normally read books like this--I had to read it as part of a class I am taking. However, I am SO glad that I did read it. I really think that any leader or aspiring leader should read this book. Every leader that I have found effective in my life has followed principals in this book (or vice versa). Some of the best principles taught were Love your employees (making them feel comfortable and cared about) Transparency rules (making what you do transparent as a leader; this includes being humble as a leader)It was such a great book and I definitely plan on reading it again. There's a lot of poor writing in this. There's also a great deal of "I'll explain this idea precisely and with lots of examples." And then I'd get to the end of the chapter and still be waiting for the precise explanation and lots of examples.There are a few interesting ideas in this book. The idea of balancing the feelings of utmost confidence in what we're doing with the humbleness of being open-minded about ideas that might be better than those we're using is probably my favorite.

Do You like book The Six Secrets Of Change: What The Best Leaders Do To Help Their Organizations Survive And Thrive (2008)?

A pretty good book with some concrete ideas on how to implement change in life and in business.

Good read! I like his earlier books better.

Secret 2: Connect peers with purpose

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