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The Shipping Man (2011)

The Shipping Man (2011)

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0983716307 (ISBN13: 9780983716303)
Marine Money, Inc.

About book The Shipping Man (2011)

After reading in the Wall St. Journal that this book was ending up in the offices of many hedge managers, I decided to give it a try. Since I have been involved in finance and investments for 35 years I enjoyed this glimpse into the world of shipping, but my sense is that those who lack a background in finance may find it a bit of a slog. The writing is not particularly strong but the story moves along. As satire of the capital markets it can be a delight, if occasionally overwrought. Characters are a bit more emotional I imagine most hedge fund managers to be (at least on the surface) and certain incongruities arise. For example, how is a fund manager fired from his own company and forced out of his own office by his largest client? Granted, not great to lose the "whale", but there are others to be tended. Still, some interesting insights and amusing moments. A lot of people in my industry have been talking about this book and in fact a friend/client gave me the book as a gift. As the blurb says it is part primer, part thriller on the financial aspects of the shipping industry. It is amusing enough for insiders, especially trying to figure out who the characters are based on. But unfortunately in this case the sum of the two parts is not greater than the whole.I am sure that a lot of the problems would be solved by a decent proof reader let alone an editor. If ever there was a book that needed a little outside help to keep the flow going then this is it. Ok it was not published as a candidate for literature prizes, but i suspect it would have served its objectives better had it been worked over a bit with outside help. This would have solved the problems of characterisation and plot (which on the whole isn't bad) as well as made reading easier.I am not going to begrudge the shallowness of the main characters or the writing. This is not Dickens (or Melville) and neither is it pitched that way. Leave it to another author to delve into the pathos and inter connectedness of the shipping industry (now there's an idea.....). However for the want of a good editor this book will remain in the confines of the shipping industry where it could have broken out and attracted more interest. But perhaps that is a good thing.... As the book says shipping is for the slightly mad, and not for everyone.

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More of a case study for a serious business student.......

One of the better "work" books I get I read :)

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