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The Shadow Of The Lords (2006)

The Shadow of the Lords (2006)

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031234841X (ISBN13: 9780312348410)
minotaur books

About book The Shadow Of The Lords (2006)

c2005: FWFTB: Yaotl, dismembered, slave, feathers, omens. Perhaps I was unable to finish this book because it was the second in a series and I had no feel for the main character. Unfortunately, the style of writing just didn't work for me either and I was unable to finish the book - although I did read the ending. Sadly, then, I am unable to recommend to the normal crew. "This vision of how the greatest monuments we had thrown up to our gods had once looked was one more reminder of how far my people had come in the few bundles of years since they had found themselves on this island."

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