A lot of fantasy is epic, and usually involves dwarves, elves and wizards. Well, I can't say The Shadow of Ararat is epic in that tradition, but as the first volume of The Oath of Empire series, it sure has scope.This is a sweeping tale. If it were less fantastic, it's the sort of thing that would have made a great Hollywood blockbuster sword 'n' sandals picture in the late 1950s or early 1960s. It's got big battles featuring Roman soldiers, subterfuge and a cast of characters written so large it's fun to imagine the actors that would fill these roles. It's that kind of story.Thomas Harlan, long a fixture in the roleplaying and play-by-mail communities, doesn't completely tie the knot with this first published novel. Some of the early descriptions of the curse that afflicts the Empire are not clearly written, and many of the scenes featuring Maxian Atreus are muddled, at best. The story always pivots when Maxian appears, but sometimes you're left wondering "why." It also seems there are sometimes missing scenes, as if the characters are referencing some scene that did not survive the editor's pen.Still, there is no shortage of characters to care about or despise (Harlan is fearless in writing about both kinds). Who is more compelling? Dwyrin, the boy sorcerer, Ahmet, his teacher, or Thyatis, the covert operator? That doesn't even cover the historical persons that make appearances, though to say more would introduce spoilers. And in his narrative, the fates are fickle. There's really no telling which characters will live, which will die and which may actually live again (sort of). Harlan's strength is his action scenes. His battles are filled with smoke and fear and bravery and blood. It's his depictions of heroism and cowardice -- rather than gratuitous violence -- that carry this novel. Perhaps his biggest strength is portraying the battle from both sides. While the outcome of a given battle may not be in doubt, sympathetic characters can be found beneath banners on both sides. There are maps in the front of the book to help clarify the action. But really, they aren't needed to support the narrative so much as to ground the book in its "reality." (This story gets classified as alternate history, but really, magic is such a powerful force in this world, that it clearly falls into the sword and sorcery category.)Fantasy readers that want a taste of something that feels familiar (Rome as it appears on the big screen), but are tired of elves and dwarves, should give this series a try.