I read this book when I was in 8th grade and I could hardly put it down. I loved the entertaining looks I got while reading it at the far back lunch table alone. In fact, I was required to write a book review every semester and 3rd semester I picked this book and kept the paper:""I guess it's not everyday you end up with a dead serial killer lying at you feet," says Doug Fairbanks, the main character in a fantastic mystery/comedy novel written by Jeff Povey. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hang out in a group of serial killers? Well neither have I but after reading this book I found that it's a lot more interesting and less horrific than it sounds."That is my first paragraph of a review, but there was a 1 and 1/2 page minimum, so I'll stop there.What really made this book enjoyable for me was that the author took a new perspective on the charters (serial killers) that we immediately think of as entirely evil and horrid. He no where implies that killing is acceptable, but he puts a whole new spin on things and really makes you think about morals and human rights. Jeff also uses comedy constantly throughout the book so whenever things get a little graphic, his humor, wit, and sarcasm make for the perfect comic relief. I liked the fact that I was in the main character's, Doug, head for the entire duration with no thought a secret and every word thought and spoken feeling real instead of staged or written. The surprises and the twists and the turns were incredible, at least how I remember it and he provides powerful cliff hangers at the end of every chapter.My 13 year old self thought "it was an utterly fantastic book that I couldn't put down," and "I was so disappointed when I finished it because it was over and I still wanted to read it." (Straight from my school book review) I still remember it fondly and would like to read it again sometime.
This book is Crazy. I knew absolutely nothing about it when I started it, I didn't even read the dust jacket, but it pulled me right in. In a macabre, unbelieving sort of way as to what was going on. "Dougie", the main character, is interesting as you never learn his real name or get any kind of description of him except from random comments made in dialogue by others and what is picked up from between the lines of his narrative. Povey gives the main character a great voice for telling the story. The voice tells the most about our "hero" and relays the story in a darkly comical sort of way. He is a very interesting character in his views on himself, his views on others, and his reactions to the strange and dangerous situations in which he repeatedly finds himself.I like Eric Garcia's little blurb on the back:"Either the funniest horror novel or the scariest comedy novel I've ever read. Between the wonderfully unreliable narrator and sharp cracks of black humor, I found myself laughing and gasping in equal measure."WARNING: There is a fair amount of swearing throughout (generally always the F-bomb). And it is a book about a Club for Serial Killers so they talk pretty nonchalantly, or even happily, about killing people and describe a few things in detail.
Do You like book The Serial Killers Club (2007)?
Una historia muy buena pero muy mal escrita. Los tres primeros capítulos dan verguenza en su escritura, sin embargo, la trama promete y logra cautivarte para que continúes con el relato.The Serial Killers Club termina siendo una lectura entretenida y satisfacctoria, llena de humor negro y dinamismo en su accionar pero sus personajes están poco desarrollados, algunos razonamientos y circunstancias están poco ilustradas y justificadas, además, quedán algunas puertas abiertas y preguntas sin responder.Lo malo de este libro es que ha pesar de lo mucho que se puede disfrutar la historia, uno siempre queda deseando que la hubiese esrcito alguien de mayor categoría.
I came across this book by accident. I was working at a job that stressed me out so I would go and get gelato everyday on my lunch. I was sitting down enjoying my gelato when I saw the book. The cover was certainly what caught my attention. I went in to the bookstore and read the back. It looked really entertaining so I picked it up. (p.s. the owner of the store took one look at me and the book and said “you don’t look like the serial killer type”). The book is very well written and is a breeze to get through I think it took me five days in total to get through the whole thing (all on my lunch breaks). It had been a while since I got a good book, especially one that I did not want to put down. Would highly recommend this for a relaxing read!
is there a word like anachronistic that means location? like anageostic? this book was that for me. clearly the writer was British but the location was america. weird to think of high street in Chicago. it distracted me. This was a predecessor to Dexter, in many ways. I loved the idea and having never read Jeff Lindsey (Lindsay? Linsey?) I really enjoyed the story. storytelling was good and entertaining. darkly funny which I always appreciate (how Dougie thinks he's such a ladykiller...). The ending was okay but seemed to be in a battle with itself to one up itself. but wait! there's more! ha HA charade you are...! Overall, I'd read more of this writer but it was hard to take this work as an original after the Dexter franchise came to fruition and I found the authors' Britishisms distracting in the context of an American set novel. solid three stars.