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The Secret Papers Of Madame Olivetti (2008)

The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti (2008)

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3.01 of 5 Votes: 4
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0451225279 (ISBN13: 9780451225276)
NAL Trade

About book The Secret Papers Of Madame Olivetti (2008)

As I read this book, I went in and out of liking it. I think a lot of that had to do that the author went in and out of the story so often. She did a great deal of her story telling through flashback and often one paragraph was in the present,then a flashback, then a flashback to a different period in the character's life. It was hard to follow because she didn't make it clear when she was making a change. I rather liked the story, but the book had a disordered feel to it. If I found another book by this author, I would probably give it a try because I felt she had potential. I think this was her first novel. I hope she tries again. Usually coming of age books refer to those entering adulthood, this one is about a woman entering a much later stage of life. The title may throw you off. Madame Olivetti is the name of the women's typewriter and has little to do with the story. Lily Crisp is reflection back on her life after the death of her husband. It's a beautifully written and enjoyable story despite dragging a bit towards the end. It makes you want to take off for the doth of France to do your own reflecting

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i just could NOT get interested in any of the characters.

178- Mexico. A volar palomas- letting the doves fly

so far it's ok

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