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The Secret Olivia Told Me (2013)

The Secret Olivia Told Me (2013)

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1933491086 (ISBN13: 9781933491080)
Just Us Books

About book The Secret Olivia Told Me (2013)

This book was about telling secrets and what can happen when you tell someone else when you shouldn't have. This would be a great book for ages 5-10. I thought this was good because many children don't understand that when telling a secret, it can hurt other people. I would use this in my class when I start to notice that there are secrets coming around, just so children can understand what to do in the situation. I love this book for young readers. It is perfect for grades K through 2. It's simple poem-like rhyming text makes this a perfect read-aloud and leads to real-life discusstions about a topic important to young children. The main characters learns valuable lessons about the good and the bad of secrets and more globally, friendship. The striking black and white illustrations accompanied by a red balloon, representing the secret that gets bigger as the story goes on, really drive the message home visually.

Do You like book The Secret Olivia Told Me (2013)?

The illustrations in this book told the story just as much as the words. Great lesson for children.

Cute story about holding a secret. Something I'm sure that we all can relate to.

A terrific example of what happens when a secret is no longer a secret

Great illustrations, but a disappointing ending.

Very simple book about how secrets spread.

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