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The Secret Life Of Squirrels (2014)

The Secret Life of Squirrels (2014)

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0316370274 (ISBN13: 9780316370271)
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

About book The Secret Life Of Squirrels (2014)

Wildlife Photographer Nancy Rose shares the secret life of squirrels in this fun photo album. Mr. Peanuts lives in an adorable little house full of dollhouse-sized furniture and crafted objects. One day, he decides to invite his cousin over, and so he sets forth to clean the house, including doing the laundry. Once together, the two have a great day out doing all sorts of friendly activities. What little plot there is, is quite generic, with each page reading more like a caption to a photo. While the back includes a Q and A and some tips on doing wildlife photography, it is the pictures, mini objects, and creative boarders which makes us pick up this book. A darling book that had me laughing out loud several times. Nancy Rose doesn't own trained squirrels per se but the squirrels in her backyard were willing to play her various tableau for food and a bit of fame. It puts my half dozen squirrels to shame. In addition to a sweet little story, Rose takes the time to not only explains how all the pictures were taken but the best way to take your own wildlife pictures.

Do You like book The Secret Life Of Squirrels (2014)?

Adorable! With a sweet message that goes along perfectly with charming photographs.

Whimsically staged pictures of squirrels. Very amusing!

so many twist & turns. I was at the edge of my seat.

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