About book The School On Heart's Content Road (2008)
A wonderful book about working class people and what happens when life gets cruel and changes around them. Chute understands her people, and how they are misunderstood -- either deliberately or through ignorance -- by the media and those in positions of power.Chute has a deft hand for her characters, and for description -- some of which are absolutely breathtaking. Take this line, for instance: "Late-afternoon sun, autumnly and solid and cold as a refrigerated peach, roams entirely to the other side of the building."And while some of her characters are mean or strange or selfish, Chute never ascribes evil motives to them. Instead, they are depicted as people simply trying to find their way in the world, a world that is not what they expected or were taught to expect or accept, and one that changes daily, often to their consternation.This is a book about some people attempt to deal with their lives, and how others often misinterpret those dealings. Chute is an author whose works I enjoy. So I am a fan. Reading about northeast is interesting because it's so different from the west coast in many ways. I thought having us see the "community" thru the eyes of Jane and her glasses was intriguing. The characters rang true all the way back to The Beans of Egypt Maine. It is also similar in some ways to the HBO series, Big Love. Thought the ending was rather a fizzle.
Do You like book The School On Heart's Content Road (2008)?
tried to get going on this, but it just left me cold. quit early on
Fabulous writing, but I got tired of the clipped prose.