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The Rule Of Claw (2009)

The Rule of Claw (2009)

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3.28 of 5 Votes: 3
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1580136087 (ISBN13: 9781580136082)
Carolrhoda Books

About book The Rule Of Claw (2009)

I wasn't sure I was going to like this book. And at first, I didn't. The way the children spoke really put me off as a reader. It was very hard for me to keep my attention going, and I found myself re-reading things to get what was being said. However, as the story progressed towards the middle that eased a bit, and I was glad I stuck with it. It turned out to be a very exciting journey. One I look forward to continuing. Absolutely amazing. Loved the characters and the plot. Could not put it down. A thrilling book that gets and keeps you thinking about what we are doing to the world, how things will turn out, evolution and extinction. Brilliant. Ash the main character was strong, brave, courageous, but relatable and likeable. The author style of writing had it so that while I was reading it was like a movie in my head. This was because of the detail and flow of the words. 10 out of 10

Do You like book The Rule Of Claw (2009)?

A very well-thought, creative book! I enjoyed both the story line and the characters.

some weirdness at the end but it held my interest

Too political for me.

dystopian world

#15/2011. Meh.

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