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The Ruins Of Myth Drannor (2000)

The Ruins of Myth Drannor (2000)

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3.33 of 5 Votes: 2
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0786913878 (ISBN13: 9780786913879)
wizards of the coast

About book The Ruins Of Myth Drannor (2000)

It was okay. It gets points for being a fast read and skipping a lot of detritus, in a book like this she was spot on in how she moved the story along. Also, for those gamers, it showed a path for rogue and a paladin to both be themselves (dishonest cut purse and ultra honorable do-gooder) and to manage being in a team without coming to blows. It did a good job in showing there could have been a group melt-down (which happens in many games....) but how the mission itself took priority. Myself, sitting in the DM seat, wonder why that's not the case more often.Anyways, gamer politics aside, the novel was so-so. Maybe I'd like it more if I didn't know the story already? I've never been a huge fan of Forgotten realms. The author did a fine job with the materials and the writing was okay. None of the parts really jumped out at me, there was some blatant typos (not misspellings) but, that happens in a first edition copy.Anyways -- needed to take a mindless break from reading the entirety of Classical Japanese literature...

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