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The River Midnight (1999)

The River Midnight (1999)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 4
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0684853043 (ISBN13: 9780684853048)

About book The River Midnight (1999)

I really didn't know what to expect with this read, but found myself swept away to a different time and place and enchanted by the lost shtetl culture. It had a feeling that I can only describe as a realistic fairytale, blending real life with folk lore, history with spirituality, connecting the past with the future, and mixing it all together with warmth, humor, love and a touch of magic. I can only imagine how it would resonate with those whose ancestors may have come from a shtetl community.I appreciated Nattel's choice to phonetically translate the Yiddish words, which made it more accessible for English readers. Sprinkling the narrative with touches of the mama-loshen (mother tongue) helped to immerse me even further into her tale along with the glossary, which I hope is included with all editions. I love author's notes, they can add another layer of enjoyment to a read, if you don't normally read them I would suggest doing so with this book. Nattel's note tells us that the majority of this work is based on factual details but more telling was why this story is set in the fictional Polish town of Blaszka. I'm not going to spoil what that reason is, she explains it much better than I could anyway, but will say it made complete sense to me. Grab a fresh, warm loaf of braided hallah bread or sweet haroses and just sit back and enjoy this gentle shaynela (nice little one) of a read."May your journeys bring you much nakhes, that untranslatable joy of a full heart."

This was a great debut novel by Nattel. It takes place in the late 19th century in a small Jewish shtetl in Poland. The story was thought provoking, as most of my experience in that genre was during the World War II era. There is a lengthy glossary which helps with many of the Yiddish workds, although you can follow the story easily through the word's context.This is a story of the friendship of 4 strong women and how they grew up and apart from each other (in some ways.) It is the kind of story where you really love the characters and want them to succeed. Nattel does a great job in developing these characters. My favorite was Misha, the unmarried pregnant midwife and confidant of the town. I look forward to other books by this author.

Do You like book The River Midnight (1999)?

I must confess, I am quite undecided as to how I feel about "River Midnight".On one hand, I find it interesting how the story unravels with the addition of each person's story. The reader gains insight into their views, thoughts and knowledge of the events unfolding as it relates to them.On the other hand, I felt somewhat annoyed throughout the book to have to read the same story over and over again, from what feels like the beginning. As I get to the end of the book, I find that there isn't a shocking revelation of sorts, nor is there anything that felt like the climax... I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was written in a linear format.

This is an unusual book. First it is set in 1893. Second it is set in a small Jewish village in Poland. Add to this that the story is told multiple times from various perspectives and you have a very interesting tale. This book is a work of historical fiction set in a non-existent village along a non-existent river but it is based on the history Poland in the late 19th century.This writer has the gift of tone and setting much like Laura Ingalls Wilder. By the time you have read the first page you in Blaszka, winter 1893, looking around the marketplace and listening to the Jewish women talking.Each telling of this tale clarifies and deepens the readers understanding of this special town and how these residents fit into the community. These characters are well developed individuals who you will miss when you leave at the end of the tale and remember fondly when you think of Blaszka.

This was a beautiful book. I really enjoy "Jewish literature", if you will. I just feel tied to it at such a core level. I'm sure this has to do with ancestry on my paternal side. This story was fascinating. It covered the same few months but from many different people's perspective and with each new perspective we also gained insight into their past and future. The story felt almost tangible to me, like I was holding different pieces in my hand...weaving it into something beautiful yet practical. I will caution that it's a bit of a slow read, not a real page turner, but worth the time.

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