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The Richest Man In Town (2007)

The Richest Man in Town (2007)

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About book The Richest Man In Town (2007)

This is not a lengthy story, but one everyone should read. The author spoke at a conference I just attended and shared this story. He had most everyone tearing up and laughing during his speach. When he was finished, almost everyone lined up to shake the author's hand and to buy their own copy of his book. Make sure to have kleenex handy, it will touch your life and your heart and is a great read for anybody and everybody. This book is better than a five star book. It is about a South Dakota cash register that lives in Brookings. It does not sound like a great topic but the book is moving and is very inspirational. The whole book is about how the author and the man Marty met and how it changed both their lives. The book is a quick read and has an ending that will keep u thinking. I would recommend the book to any person who does not have a book to read I read the book in one day not because it was short it was because I could not put the book down. I read this book in my free time and after assignments were done in class. It was a different but great book. If you need a book, I would recommend this book to any person that needs a book to read. It is not a normal non-fiction book it is a great biography.

Do You like book The Richest Man In Town (2007)?

How one man's views on life made for a legacy that he left behind to enrich others' lives.

Very inspirational! Everyone needs to do just a little more.

Quick read, worth it.

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