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The Reluctant Prophet (Library Edition): A Novel (2010)

The Reluctant Prophet (Library Edition): A Novel (2010)

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1609812174 (ISBN13: 9781609812171)
Oasis Audio

About book The Reluctant Prophet (Library Edition): A Novel (2010)

I typically only give out 5-star reviews for books that are knock-my-socks-off amazing, the kind that I would stay up reading until midnight or later or the ones that I have read again and again. While this book isn't quite THAT good, in the Christian fiction genre I think it totally deserves 5 stars. It shies away from the pretty God that seems to only hang out in suburban upper-middle class habitats and asks what it means to radically follow Jesus. It ponders a salvation that does more than just save us so that we can be 'good, decent church people'.But don't let that fool you...this is not a preachy book. It's snarky, funny, a little bit suspenseful, and yes...even had me crying into my Kindle at one point. (Tear stains on the Kindle = not the same as tear stains on book pages, just saying.)As some other readers mentioned, there are some slow points, but keep going because it picks back up and once I got to that point I couldn't put it back down. (And couldn't wait to review.)It's a shame that in Christian fiction the popular writers are the ones mostly dealing in fluff. The ones dealing in the grittier, more painful parts of the world seem to struggle to get the readership they deserve. I'll be requesting that my local library pick up this series and I plan on looking into some of her teen/YA fiction for friends of mine who want books for their daughters that find a middle place between 'sexy zombie vampires' and 'Squee! Isn't God all good and sparkly?!!' Populated with characters that are very real, down to Earth and fantastically entertaining, Rue gives us a guided tour through the life and the daily musings of someone who knows things she doesn’t want to know and does things that many people would consider outrageous. Rue does an exceptional job in giving us an idea of what a modern day prophet might be like. With words that she knows aren’t hers and actions that she knows couldn’t be considered sane, Allison doesn’t want to be a prophet. As much as she’d like to deny it though, she knows that The Nudge is from God and that He is what’s taking her into this new part of her life. And later, when she needs to confront her past, it’s The Nudge that won’t let her ignore it.This book is a journey of discovery. People who are completely lost in sin transform their lives into something beautiful and new. People who think that they’ve left their sin in the past when they’re really still carrying it with them learn how to let go.Stunning. Heart-wrenching. Beautiful and amazing, Rue’s book, if given the chance, will do more than let you escape for a few hours. It has the potential to transform your thoughts and change your perspective. This is a book that would be a great gift for just about anyone. It’s an exceptional read, a gripping story and sometimes, a harsh commentary on the Christian world that is absolutely necessary. I’m honored to have received this book for review and can’t wait to see what Nancy Rue has in mind for her next offering.*Review copy provided by David C. Cook

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A mix of drama, romance, detective, mystery, faith and everything else! Very Good!

Slow start but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down.

Time to let Jesus out of the box!

Love This Book so so so much!

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