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The Reluctant Outlaw (2011)

The Reluctant Outlaw (2011)

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4.18 of 5 Votes: 1
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0373828853 (ISBN13: 9780373828852)
Love Inspired

About book The Reluctant Outlaw (2011)

Juliana O'Malley is in the wrong place at totally the wrong time and ends up kidnapped by outlaws in 1800s Tennessee. Fortunately for her, the outlaw who unwillingly took her hostage, Evan Harrison, is far more of a gentleman than his cohorts and his single-minded goal is getting her back to her family, unscathed. What neither of them banked on was the spark that ignites between them, leaving them both befuddled and uncertain about their prospective futures.This is a fairly sweet little Christian novel that at least has what the last book I read lacks, scriptural reference and an obvious faith. So, in that regard, I was very happy with it. On the other hand, Juliana is too nosy for her own good. I'm a semi-private person myself so I didn't appreciate her meddling and nosiness any more than Evan did. It is extremely hard for writers to impress me with their heroines so I was never entirely sold on Juliana. Nine times out of ten they're too independent, too obnoxious, and too reckless. And I didn't buy the ending. There is no way Fitzgerald wouldn't have taken physical advantage of her. I'm just not that naive to believe otherwise.At least the story ended well, and I loved Evan throughout so for me it was a success for a Love Inspired novel. I remember reading a gazillion of them when I was a teen and haven't read one in years. This one was much better than the ones I remember reading in my younger years. This book was fun, and clean. A great romance. Good for my teen daughter. I'd look for more from this author. From the book...The ruthless criminal who took Juliana O’Malley hostage was a thief and an outlaw—or so she thinks. But on a perilous journey through the Smoky Mountains, he becomes her unlikely protector. And when he pledges to return her home safely, she somehow finds herself believing him. Evan Harrison has risked everything to find the men who killed his brother. Saving spirited, strong-willed Juliana could blow his cover with a deadly gang. Yet her courage and unwavering faith make him dream of the home and family he thought he could never have. And suddenly, that future is incomplete—without Juliana in it.

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The Reluctant Outlaw by Karen Kirst was GREAT! I could not put the book

I've re-read this book a couple of times. I loved it.

Really good!

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