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The Reluctant Debutante (2012)

The Reluctant Debutante (2012)

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1440551626 (ISBN13: 9781440551628)
Crimson Romance

About book The Reluctant Debutante (2012)

I won this book from the author in the TRR anniv party. This book is right up my street - historical with humour, I do like a feisty heroine too, dealing with issues, merging fact and fiction (I do like to find out facts!) and a happy ending (though if I had to say anything, I thought Ginger went a bit too soppy at the end).Overall, a great read and the start of a series, so I'll be following to see which historical events are covered in future. Becky Lower's debut novel, The Reluctant Debutante, is a wonderful addition to American Historical Romance. With a market flooded with English Historicals (and don't get me wrong, I love them) it is refreshing to delve into American history in a unique way.The heroine, Ginger Fitzpatrick, lives up to her flavorful name. She is a woman not willing to continue living in the same way as the women before her. She meets and works with Amelia Bloomer to help advance women's rights. In an ironic twist, Ginger is invited to participate in the Cotillion which is being introduced in New York's high society in 1855. While she plans to remain single and work in her Father's bank, she reluctantly agrees to help her family fit into society and attend the Cotillion.Joseph Lafointaine travels to New York from St Louis with Ginger's brother, Basil, to sell horses. Joseph is a successful business man out west, but he harbors a secret - he is half Ojibiwa Indian. When confronted with New York's high society, Basil convinces him to hide his heritage.Needless to say, when a strong-minded woman who doesn't believe she needs a man in her life meets a mysterious man with a secret how can the sparks not fly? And the best part of all? This book is chock full of historical references including a railway disaster that plays a pivotal part in the book. I can't wait to read the next installment in her Cotillion series!

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Way to go, Ms. Lower!

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