Judith has dreamed of marrying Levi for years. Her parents insist that she cannot begin to court until she is nineteen. She is sure after her birthday Levi will ask her parents to court her. The day before her birthday tragedy happens when her little brother, Samuel, falls from the barn roof, while under Judith's care.Judith sees an angel, Tobias, kneeling beside Samuel as he lies on the ground. Tobias tells Judith to keep the faith that Samuel will walk again. When she tells the community about her angel encounter they question her sanity and whether she is sinning or causing others in the Amish community to sin. Levi quickly dismisses his interest in Judith and pursues Judith's younger sister, Martha.Judith is heartbroken. Practically shunned by the community she struggles to understand the messages Tobias brings to her during their encounters.Only one person stands up for her, Andrew Lapp, the bishop's son. Handsome, quiet and protective, Andrew helps Judith understand what Tobias is trying to tell her.Tobias leads the whole community, in a series of events; on the journey God wishes them to take in order to strengthen their love and devotion for Him and their concern and consideration for each other.I read this book in 1 day! For me that is unheard of. I was drawn into the community, into their homes and lives. The dialect was well researched. I could hear their accents, see the sorrow in their eyes and hold each one of them close to my heart.I have a list of books that I will read over and over again. The list is not very long, consisting of maybe 6 or 7 books over the course of my life. This book WILL be added to that list. I can see myself picking up this book time and time again to be welcomed into the hearts of those I now hold dear.This book will warm your heart and guide your faith in a way you never imagined. I highly recommend this book! Even if you don't normally read Amish books, you HAVE to read this one! The second book in the series comes out in April 2012 and I can tell you that I will be one of the first in line to pick it up! This book is the first novel in the Heaven on Earth series. The setting takes place in an Amish (old-order) settlement in Michigan. The main character, Judith, is a nineteen year old Amish girl, strong in her beliefs, who is anxiously waiting to fulfill her destiny as an Amish woman by marrying and having children. She already has her hopes set on a man named Levi, and is completely enamored with him. The story begins with a barn raising event that ends in tragedy when Judith's younger brother has an accident which causes bodily harm. Judith is first on the scene, and witnesses a stranger over her brother who speaks a prophetic message to Judith. The man quickly disappears, and Judith is left with a story that no believes, including the man of her dreams, Levi. Tension begins building in the community and with Levi as Judith clings to her story, fueled by multiple encounters with the stranger, whom Judith quickly realizes is an Angel sent from God. During this time, Judith is be-friended by the community Bishop's son, who although warned by his father not to see Judith, intercedes for her and begins to woo her with his companionship and and his belief in her story. Judith struggles with losing everything as she holds fast to her faith in the promises from the Angel, while battling the rejection of her people. This book interweaves relationship and community tensions and struggles with forgiveness and standing strong in faith when everyone is against you. This book was a great read, and although I am not usually a fiction book reader, I look forward to the next book in this series!
Do You like book The Promise Of An Angel (2011)?
I enjoyed this book very much! What a great way to remind us of the way we can be judgmental!!
I love to read Amish fiction at this time of the year.