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The Princess And The Packet Of Frozen Peas (2009)

The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas (2009)

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4.04 of 5 Votes: 2
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1407111450 (ISBN13: 9781407111452)

About book The Princess And The Packet Of Frozen Peas (2009)

This is quite a good anti-traditional princess book. The prince is hunting for a princess who will play hockey and go camping with him. He tests girls by putting a bag of frozen peas under a thin mattress and sleeping bag. The concept of the book is good. My daughter found it quite funny. However it needed to go further for me! Merged review:This book starts out with great premise. The idea being that the prince doesn't want a real princess as he wants someone to laugh and play hockey with and go camping. He tests girls with a bag of frozen peas under a thin mattress and a sleeping bag. He the chooses the girl who was his best friend all along. The idea is great but I wanted it to go further. The prince is still "in charge" of the decision, his wants come first, the girl is a minor character.It made my daughter laugh but I want even more next time. The girl should be of more importance and focus! A wonderfully unique variation on the traditional story of the princess and the pea. This one with a more modern and likeble ending. A little too old for my preschoolers but it was loved by both me and my 5 yr old, once of course that I explained to him that it was indeed possible to find an actual girl who liked camping AND hockey. I think he still wasn't convinced. Overall though, a great story with fun characters and engaging illustrations.

Do You like book The Princess And The Packet Of Frozen Peas (2009)?

Feminist retelling of the Princess and the Pea. Very cute, though a bit long for my 3s & 4s.

Loved the story, not a huge fan of the artwork, but it was effective.

This is adorable! I love, love, love this book as a children's book!

Funny and a great take on the Princess and the Pea

A nice riff on the classic Princess and the Pea.

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