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The Prince Who Fell From The Sky (2012)

The Prince Who Fell from the Sky (2012)

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3.84 of 5 Votes: 4
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Random House

About book The Prince Who Fell From The Sky (2012)

I love the original ideas in this book, having a world run from the point of view of animals? Definitely a fresh perspective. The characters are adorably charming and the odd band of rat, bear, dog is awesome! My only possible critique would be the ending, i didn't feel like it gave me total closure for the book. ( You know, that feeling of when you finish a book and you just feel like it feels finished) That being said, i think my opinion on the ending is probably totally subjective and others may very well love the way the author ended the book!all in all, a great read. I devoured it in one day and loved it. This is the latest from a local author here. He finished up his trilogy last year and this is a new stand alone work of fiction. The premise is there was some event that we are led to believe wiped out humanity. The whole story is told from the animals perspective, so when a human boy crash lands in a forest, the animals have very different ideas of humans, ie wolves see us as a threat, dogs see us as companions, etc. So, this is about a few animals that take it upon themselves to get him to safety. It is like a combination of Animal Farm and Jungle Book. I enjoyed it.

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I really, really liked this book. A very different take on all the post apocalyptic stories.

Kids dystopian where animals take over. A child appears and a momma bear tries to save him.

Need more John Claude Bemis! I'm adding the Clockwork Dark trilogy to my "to read" list.

1.5 stars

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