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The Pride Of Jared MacKade (1995)

The Pride of Jared MacKade (1995)

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4.03 of 5 Votes: 5
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0373240007 (ISBN13: 9780373240005)
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About book The Pride Of Jared MacKade (1995)

The Pride of Jared MacKade Review I do enjoy reading about each of the MacKade brothers. Rafe and Regan's story was the first book. In this one we read Jared's and Savannah's story. I, personally, found it easier to delve into Rafe and his girl. The characters seemed more intriguing and the storyline wasn't as cheesy. Jared MacKade, lawyer and brother to Rafe is divorced. He soon meets Savannah Morningstar and her young son, Bryan. He's trying to figure her out and learns that she has a difficult background. Savannah wants to stay by herself and hates cops and lawyers immediately making her dislike Jared and his brothers. The two try to work together and manage a relationship. This one didn't really click for me. It's much shorter than book one. I felt like we didn't really get to know the characters as well. The brothers aren't in it as much either. Savannah annoyed me, she's rude and inconsiderate to people she's only just met. I get that she's had a past, but not everyone is going to treat you like trash. Jared is definitely not my favorite MacKade brother and I really disliked how he treated Savannah at first. The romance felt very rushed (yes, yes, I know its a romance novel and it always happens.) But, at least with Rafe, they had enough struggles and realistic plots that the romance felt real to me. I did enjoy it for the most part and definitely look forward to reading the other MacKade books.

Dit tweede boek in deze De broers MacKade-serie speelt zich op dezelfde locatie af. We bevinden ons dus opnieuw in Antietam, maar volgen dit keer uiteraard wel andere hoofdpersonages. Toch is het een groot voordeel bij dit soort boeken dat je bekende gezichten opnieuw ziet verschijnen. Op die manier voel je je precies sneller thuis op deze plek.Naast hun naam én knappe uiterlijk hebben de MacKade broers nog iets anders gemeenschappelijk. Men dacht immers dat er van geen van hen iets terecht zou komen, maar ook Jared heeft net als zijn broer Rafe het tegendeel bewezen.Zijn leven ziet er nu dan ook helemaal anders uit als tijdens zijn wilde jeugdjaren. Hij rondde zijn studies af en werkt nu als advocaat. Een job die perfect bij hem lijkt te passen vermits hij niet tegen onrecht kan en opkomt voor zwakkeren. Zijn sterke karakter helpt hem bovendien om zijn boodschap duidelijk over te brengen wanneer hij zijn dossiers bij het gerecht voorbrengt.Jared leek zijn wilde jeugd volledig achter zich te willen laten door de afgelopen jaren steeds berisploze keuzes te maken. Zo viel hij steeds op kalme, gereserveerde vrouwen. Een keuze die hem uiteindelijk niets meer op leverde dan een emotieloos huwelijk en een rationele afstandelijke scheiding....Mijn volledige recensie kan je hier terugvinden.

Do You like book The Pride Of Jared MacKade (1995)?

Still enjoying the MacKade brothers' stories. My favourite part about this book is the lovely portrayal of the growing affection between Jared and the 10-year-old son of his romantic interest, Savannah. Bryan is never just a plot moppet; he feels like a real kid (says the woman who has no kids). His dialogue feels real, peppered as it is with 'like' and 'and stuff'. There's a wonderful conversation between Bryan and his best friend Connor that made me laugh out loud and brought a tear to my eye. Savannah, Bryan's mom, is equally delightful. I like that Roberts' heroines are self-contained and self-reliant and not afraid to tell a man to get lost if he behaves like a jerk. Savannah has that in spades.

"What frightened him most was this blinding love. A love that demanded he protect, defend, treasure. And he couldn't protect the girl she had been, defend that girl against the cruel and thoughtless blows of life when no one else would help. She'd had to face it alone, without him. And, if necessary, she still could.That left him feeling impotent, and scorched his pride.So, he was an idiot. But she wasn't going to get rid of him easily."Me gustó la personalidad de Jared MacKade, es un persona que necesita ver los dos lados de una misma cosa y decidir cuál es el que le resulta correcto; encontrarse con una mujer completamente salvaje como Savannah Morningstar lo saca de balance completamente y tiene que aprender a tomarse las cosas como son, no super analizarlas y tragarse su orgullo. Muy linda historia con dos personajes protagónicos muy buenos, más Bryan que es un amor, en el mágico y acosado pueblo de Antietam, Maryland.
—❀ Mary ❀

Oh those Mac Kade Brothers make you love them! Rafe Mac Kade is a lawyer with a past. He and his brothers were Hell on Wheels as children/young adults. Rafe shaped up after his Mother's death and went to law school. Now he's "Lawyer MacKade," has a past which includes an ex wife, and he's noticed the newest member of Antietam; Ms. Morningstar. Now her is a woman with secrets and Rafe is determined to find all the facts out. Does he ruin his chance at love by being too involved with finding out about her past? This is a wonderful read. Nora has a way of making you love a character even when you too are trying to figure that person out.

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