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The Price Of Inheritance (2014)

The Price of Inheritance (2014)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 1
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1476758603 (ISBN13: 9781476758602)
Washington Square Press

About book The Price Of Inheritance (2014)

When Carolyn Everett, an appraiser of American furniture at Christie's auction house, fails to pass on information concerning an ownership claim on a Hugh Finlay table, her career and reputation are in shambles. She retreats to her hometown, Newport, RI, where she is quickly swept up in a new relationship and a possible art theft scandal. A bowl she purchases for $20 may have been stolen from a museum in Iraq, and could be of indeterminable value. This book contains a lot of interesting facts about the art world, but I found the "coincidences" at the end a little too convenient. The Price of Inheritance was such a fun read! I picked this book up thinking it was going to be a romance. It was and it wasn't. What I like most about this book was exactly that. A love affair BUT more about a gal just finding herself and along the way getting a glimpse into the world of big ticket auction houses and how the "other half" collect their lovelies.I hate retelling a story because I feel like that ruins the book for others but I will say this much...I normally like "happily ever after" type of romance novels. The kind where they ride off happily into the sunset.I was surprised when this book half way ended that way and halfway didn't and I STILL loved it.Says alot...if you know me ;-)

Do You like book The Price Of Inheritance (2014)?

Had to rate my own book five stars - it's author law. Hope you all enjoy it and happy beach reading!

Engaging, after a slow beginning. I enjoyed it. Different!

Very choppy writing. Far fetched. I do not recommend.

This was a good read.

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