Dick by name, Dick by nature. Wow, I really disliked(!!!) that guy. There's apparently a certain amount of truth to the story and the existence of the character known as Dick Fitch and if that's the case, what a truly awful person. The story is told in the first person and recounts the underhanded dealings of a guy who is essentially a con artist of the worst kind and the hell he not only puts the narrator through but most people that were unfortunate enough to meet him. I really liked the book despite the fact that I read most of it with my jaw hitting the floor and feeling a bit furious. Thankfully it has a great ending and Dick got what was coming to him. I hope the same is true of the real Mr Fitch. I really enjoyed this book. It was intoxicating and I was enthralled. Totally. Completely.I like when books indicate/foreshadow things to come. I like wondering how the plot will unfold and what path will be taken to arrive at those coming events. I like being filled with the anticipation that foreshadowing derives, especially if it indicates drama, craziness or just something completely unexpected.Whenever an author chooses to use foreshadowing I hope, but am skeptical, that they can meet my expectations. I want the foreshadowed events to really grab me and I want the author to deliver a story with enough suspense and credibility to keep me engaged and invested. This author delivered. I scrutinized every step made by the MCs, knowing the inevitable outcome. Dick was incredibly self serving, egotistical and disgusting. JJ was naive. Frustratingly so. But I understood him and, even when I wanted to shake some sense into him, he had my sympathy.For JJ, Dick represented that hot fudge sundae. The thing people desire, knowing full well that engaging in it often will be harmful. Dick is all temptation, but he offers no value and no substance. Unfortunately, JJ couldn't resist the pull of someone so decadent, so sinful and so delicious. He knows exactly who Dick is, but he constantly makes excuses and ignores the obvious in order to remain in Dick's orbit.I really loved the introduction of Alex. He was the complete antithesis of Dick. Dick equaled lust, fickleness and volatility, while Alex represented love, solidity and vitality. I liked the strength and insight Alex provided and how he helped JJ to take control and make himself a priority. He was a bit "too perfect" but I didn't mind at all.Overall, I thought this book was perceptive, beautifully written, and believable. The machinations of Dick were a joy to read and although the ending was also a bit "too perfect" I enjoyed it all the same. 4.5 stars.
Do You like book The Price Of Dick (2014)?
Wow. What a train wreck. Not the book. The book is good. The situation. Christ on a cracker.
Wow dick really was a complete dick!! Good book though!
Down to $2.99 at Amazon US, short time only, 12-11-14
Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!Review posted on Amazon UK