Less far-fetched than some "SHTF" books, the first book in the 299 days series highlights the development of interpersonal relationships during an economic collapse. The protagonist is a self-made man, a successful lawyer and state functionary that came from humble means in a rural area. He went to the city for a law education, where he met his wife, a budding ER doctor stricken with normalcy bias. The book illustrates a normal suburban person's realization that "prepping" isn't all crazy, as he implements gradual preparations into his everyday life. The story also describes a new prepper's struggles with a loved one who does not approve, while creating new confidants that he can count on in the event of a total collapse. is a great start to a wonderful story and a realistic probable national/world event... only problem is that this series should not have been cut into 10 books; 3 maybe 4 books would have conveyed the story proper... the only reason I can see for the author to break it into 10 books is Greed, pure and simple. not all the books are of the same size, yet are all priced the same. for example one was a mere 100 or so pages (as shown on the page counter on my Nook Simple Touch)... that is a novella, yet was priced as a full novel... I like what the author is writing, and the story sucks you in, and you get invested in the characters and just have to get the next book, but I, like many of his other readers are getting disenfranchised/disillusioned by his stark Greed... I would suggest that if he is going to serialize any further books, then he do it proper... charge a price fitting a serial "chapter", release them on a consistent schedule, and stop trying to suck his readership dry...
Do You like book The Preparation (2012)?
It has a lot of great reality facts with a thread of a story to join it all together.
It's so bad.. and yet I can't stop myself.