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The Prank (2011)

The Prank (2011)

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3.08 of 5 Votes: 1
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0761377476 (ISBN13: 9780761377474)
Darby Creek Publishing

About book The Prank (2011)

This book is on the recommended reading list for one of my classes. I found a copy at our school's Scholastic Buy-One-Get-One-Free book sale so I bought it.I like ghost stories and curses. Unfortunately, I don't think the tension really had a chance to build. The book's just too short.However, I can see where my reluctant readers might enjoy this. It's utterly unintimidating and they like ghost stories.I'll be keeping this on the shelf for those readers. The Prank by Ashley Rae Harris this book is about a girl named Jordan who hates school pranks. This story takes place in a high school named Bridgewater High. One day in Bridgewater High Jordan gets involved with a group of kids in a big school prank. Jordan does nothing to stop it because her crush Charlie is in the group. But when the prank was done something went terribly wrong and now Jordan has to fix it. Jordan finds out the prank went too far and know there’s a ghost haunting the school and will kill everyone. Now the whole school is depending on Jordan.My favorite part of this book is when Charlie was trying to impress Jordan. It was my favorite because it was romantic. My least favorite part is when Jordan just went along with the plan; it was like she didn’t care so much. I would recommend this book because it teaches you to speak up and don’t listen to others if they are doing something wrong.

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