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The Practice Boyfriend (2012)

The Practice Boyfriend (2012)

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3.45 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book The Practice Boyfriend (2012)

1.5*The story give a new meaning to the word 'use'.The prose is nice, but I couldn't pass the fact that Merlin and his friends have been so ignorant to Arthur's heart. Even if what they believe about Arthur is true, even they admit that Arthur never did it deliberately. What Merlin did, however, is a planned, deliberate and selfish action of using Arthur for his own purpose without thinking of the possible consequences. When he realized he fell for Arthur, he should've realized the possibility of Arthur falling for him too. At one point, Elena perhaps started to realize that but just too arrogant to say she's wrong.The story takes an easy way, by having Lance fall for someone else. It still means that Arthur is a second choice who becomes Merlin's boyfriend simply because Merlin's first choice is not available anymore. Perhaps if Lance has come home alone and shows his interests, so Merlin then has to decide whom he really wants, it would've been better. That way, when he (hopefully) chose Arthur, it's because he loves Arthur more than he does (did) Lance, not because he has nowhere else to go and Arthur just happens to be available and ready to go. And it's gonna be Lance who misses the train, not Merlin.Sorry, I just don't like my MCs to be so selfish douche and get away with it. Nor do I like martyr syndrome that Arthur shows. So..this is disgustingly sweet, and disgustingly isn't necessary a bad word, this little fic is actually pretty adorable in its disgustingly sweetness. Problem is that when I read Arthur/Merlin, I expect certain things. Merlin is supposed to be bighearted and sweet, with big floppy ears and a tendency to go a bit overboard to save the day. Preferably with magic that goes boom. Arthur on the other hand, is larger than life, with a brilliant smile and an attitude that can make mountains crumble. This Arthur was just...well..disgustingly adorable. "My" Arthur is a bit of a prick, and I missed him. So, basically, to me, this didn't read as a Merthur fanfic. Cute story though, with one of my favorite tropes.

Do You like book The Practice Boyfriend (2012)?

What a cute, sweet, adorable, shiny, lovable, sexy read!!!! Loved it!!!

Completely charming and awesomely free.

Cute and sweet and wonderful! ;)

Awwwwwww, cute :)


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