About book The Power Of Why: Simple Questions That Lead To Success (2012)
3.5 stars. I’ll admit that I didn’t have very high expectations when I picked up this book. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Lang is a great writer and kept me invested in what could have been a very dry topic by loading her book with lots of relevant and interesting professional and personal examples of innovation. A great read chock full of insights that can be applied to both work and personal life. I was apprehensive about reading this book because, well, I'm not a business person. However, I do love Amanda Lang, so I picked it up. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised.The writing style makes this book accessible for all walks of folks. Lang makes her points using colloquial language, and illustrates them with anecdotes. It is also not preachy, and does not offer advice per se, so as a reader I never felt talked down to.
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