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The Pillow Book Of Lotus Lowenstein (2009)

The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein (2009)

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0385737564 (ISBN13: 9780385737562)
Delacorte Books for Young Readers

About book The Pillow Book Of Lotus Lowenstein (2009)

This pillow book is fantastic in its character portrayals and flamboyant in its mediocrity. Lotus spends the majority of her journal contemplating the meaninglessness of life. She gets into trouble with her only friend and her family couldn't care less. She tries to lose weight by eating only French croissants and cheeses. She finds America petty for not allowing minors to drink alcohol as they are in France. Get the picture? Libby Schmais's first young adult novel is hilarious in its brutally honest portrayal of a few days in one, messed up girls' life. Lotus does make the imporant discovery that true existentialist freedom is overrated and only leads to unsteady, envious, relationships.The pillow book isn't a page turner, it isn't intellectual, it isn't romantic, but it is a learning experience for Lotus. Très cute! I fell in love the quirky character Lotus. I wasn't sure about the book, since I'm not particularly a fan of French culture, but it sucked me in. And the French throughout the book wasn't intimidating at all, rather I had already picked up on a few phrases by the time I was done. I found the plot to be predictable; it was really the characters that made the story. The ending left me satisfied, albeit hungrier than when I began. An enchanting, fluffy read.(I received this book through Goodreads First Reads.)

Do You like book The Pillow Book Of Lotus Lowenstein (2009)?

Eh. I lost interest. It's definitely cute, but maybe I'm just not in the right mood for cute.

A sweet and true love/life story.

Silly fun

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