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The Oxford History Of World Cinema (1999)

The Oxford History of World Cinema (1999)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 3
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0198742428 (ISBN13: 9780198742425)
oxford university press, usa

About book The Oxford History Of World Cinema (1999)

The Oxford History of World Cinema is an amazingly well put-together overview of international motion picture history. Whether you are interested in the technical, commercial or artistic development of cinema - a pretty comprehensive guide awaits you in this book. The various contributors ( all of them particularly knowledgable regarding specific areas of film history ) provide a wealth of information about the single most important modern art form. The single element about this book that I am enjoying the most are the spotlights on particularly influential individuals (writers, producers, directors, actors, etc.) whose contributions left an indelible mark on the world of film. Amid the deluge of historical information, it's great to be able to stop and focus on the personal journeys of people who have become enigmatic icons. It has a way of making the history "come alive". I will admit that the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming at times, but if you are interested at all in film, it is fascinating to discover the people and events that have made movies become such a sophisticated form of art over the past century ...

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