About book The Other Side Of Normal: How Biology Is Providing The Clues To Unlock The Secrets Of Normal And Abnormal Behavior (2012)
For the first time, I find the biological mechanisms of psychiatric behaviour clearly illuminated. Dr Smoller managed to weave together various aspects - molecular biology, evolutionary biology, neuroscience - to explain how the functioning of the brain can go awry. I had readily dismissed pathologies of the mind as subjective and sometimes even self-indulgent practices, and Dr Smoller was able to salvage some of psychiatry's glories and wonders through this book. I had enjoyed this book very much. A decent pop psychology read with a solid premise that is at the heart of the debate of psychology now (particularly with the release of the DSM-V): that we much define abnormal by first defining normal, rather than the other way around. Smoller brings the neuroscience and biology underpinning psychology down to a layperson's level, which is good for those who have a general interest in the topic. For those who are more versed and looking for something deeper, they probably won't find it here. The book serves as a great summary, but remains fairly basic (probably because his main audience was someone not in the field of psychology). As a former physiology student, I found that in many cases, I could guess what experiment/example he was going to talk about next before he even got there. This makes it a good read for those who just have a general interest in psychology, but for those in the field, they may find themselves a bit bored with it, even if it has a worthy premise that should be expanded on more deeply.
Do You like book The Other Side Of Normal: How Biology Is Providing The Clues To Unlock The Secrets Of Normal And Abnormal Behavior (2012)?
Very interesting book, get's you thinking about what makes people think, act, and do.
I won this book from First Reads. Looks like a good book. Thank you.
Smoller did a wonderful job of balancing genetics with psychology.