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The Other Family (2010)

The Other Family (2010)

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3.19 of 5 Votes: 4
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1439129835 (ISBN13: 9781439129838)

About book The Other Family (2010)

This is the third book I have read and am still enjoying Joanna's novels. A has been singer musician dies and leaves not just one but two dis-functional families. First family was a traditional one wife and son who are from his home town. The second much younger woman who has three daughters with him and whose entire life revolves around the deceased man. She and her daughters really struggle the youngest daughter only 18 wants to get to know the first family. What a great read! It tells of ow two families manage to deal with the death of a single man. The first wife and older son remember this man while he was younger, while the second (common law) wife of sorts and three daughters share his later years. The author effortlessly weaves the traumas and feelings of each character and facet of this man's life through each family member as they try to deal with this death.

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This is a good beach book. The plot was formulaic but it did leave me with some "food for thought."

found this book to be quite boring

I lost interest in the families

Lost interest.

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