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The Original 1982 (2013)

The Original 1982 (2013)

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0062245295 (ISBN13: 9780062245298)
William Morrow Paperbacks

About book The Original 1982 (2013)

This was a fascinating book of fiction about the music scene in New York in the 1980s as told by the author who actually lived that scene herself. It followed parallel lives of the character Lisa Nelson, on the one hand having a child and the other where she chose an abortion at the behest of the child's father. The stories intersected and merged at points so one wasn't sure where the "original" story left off and the imagined life took off. This was Lori Carson's debut novel that was likely largely autobiographical as she is a singer songwriter like the main character. She writes like she is living the story (or both stories) and brings you in so that you feel you are living it with her. I was not familiar with the author's music even after I listened to several of her songs on YouTube. As others have said, you can be a great musician but never make it professionally depending on your life choices. I thought the book was excellent and I couldn't put it down. I found the author's blog online and almost felt it was a continuation of the novel (the "original" storyline). I look forward to her next novel. A great first novel. Very well written, in a smooth and pleasant diary-like manner, you never know what is invented and what is memories. Lisa Nelson is a young woman in her twenties at the beginning of the story (in the "original" year 1982), smitten with a musician who has a strong power over her despite mistreating her and her feelings. She ends up having his child, a daughter, she names Minnow, while he was against it altogether. She raises her daughter while struggling with love, addiction, music and her career. When Minnow is ten or about, her father finally gets to know her and love her too, and vows to bring himself in her life as well. Minnow is a very sweet soul, with an inclination for women rather than men, and when she discovers love she chooses a first love who mistreats her, like her mother was mistreated. But we do not know what she will make of the lesson, because Minnow is a what-if part of the story only. Although touching with the very delicate topics of abortion and sexual orientation and behaviors, as well as addictive behaviors and lifestyle, this novel is not a book about society and life choices. It is a very touching telling of existence despite our "wrong" or right choices in life. I enjoyed reading it a lot. It is well written and smooth all the way, and it gave me many opportunities to think differently without any hasty judgement. I really recommend it.

Do You like book The Original 1982 (2013)?

*a good read for any girl-musician who contemplates motherhood*

This is a really important book. It's also compelling.

Sweet book of "what if."

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