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The One Left Behind (2000)

The One Left Behind (2000)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book The One Left Behind (2000)

THere is so much i could say about this book but i wont because it would just piss me off. Firslty, Addison is a bitch who didnt think of Coline one and when she got out of the hospital she jumped in a relationship with Pierce. In 6mos our whole life changed engaged to another man, living wih him and thinking she should everything she was in life and Colin as her friend looking on at her happy. Everybody in this book were not friends to Colin they all sided with Addison and Colin was made to look like a creep, stalker who walked all over Addison. I damn near choked when Pierce told Addison dont like COline want all over at what point did he do that. Colin was the after thought with her and they pacified her by saying you have a right to move on. I would run away from Addison if i were Colin even with her memories back becase you dont treat someone you loved like that. I knew I wasn't gonna be satisfied with the ending I hate cliffhanger s especially when I had to ride on an emotional rollercoaster just to arrive at a cliffhanger. Though I was still crying I was like Colin trying to move on and accept the fact that Addison was gone I was dealing with Pierce & Addison as a couple and I like Charlotte. Now a monkey wrench has been thrown into the pot & I have to wait until book 2 comes out to see how this all plays out. I give it a 4.5 stars it kept me up until 6am & I experienced an assortment of emotions.Bravo!

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So proud of Lena Nicole for this stellar, breakout novel! Can't wait for the 21st!


review to come

Oct 25, 2013


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