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The One I Was (2014)

The One I Was (2014)

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4.08 of 5 Votes: 4
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1910229016 (ISBN13: 9781910229019)
Moreton Street Books

About book The One I Was (2014)

Lovely story, well researched. Another take on the impact of the rise of nazi Germany and the efforts of those who organised the kindertransport.Benny is an old man who came over to England on a kinder transport.Rose a palliative care nurse is hired to look after him in her family's old house.Their stories intertwine and the plot is full of small twists and turns.The ultimate twist at the end is one I had considered but ruled out.Sadly the writing lets this down. Staccato sentences made it brittle. On occasion this made the story feel disjointed even though it wasn't.Not a terrible book as it's so lovely but not a great one either. It's a 3.75* from me - probably generous! This was a hard book to rate for me, but I ended up giving it a 3.5 stars.This story between Benny and Rose and the connection that they have to one another was built on a great foundation. The author did a fabulous just in covering three different time periods and was able to navigate through them flawlessly. The story line and details were captivating and had some great potential, while the characters were well built and multilayered. The part for me that this book was leaking was the writing style. The book was mainly written in extremely short sentences; and while the story itself was interesting the writing style for me made it extremely hard to get sucked into the story. I walked away from this book disappointed because it could have been phenomenal if written in a different style. *Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest opinion*

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