For a short story this book was good. It had humor, but I wished it had a little more confrontation between the two packs, and little more interaction between Sugar and Daedalus. But there is only some much that can go into a short story, and this story was good. A vampire training werewolves without the two trying to kill each other, adds a different twist to the vampire-werewolf relationship. Wished there was a little more background on each of the characters. This was a fun read. The characters made this enjoyable for me. I loved the small Omega pack and I'm looking forward to getting the others story. This one was about the pack. I would have liked to see more detail on the individuals, and their backgrounds but their stories are yet to come. I hope that we get more detail on the background of the characters in the next books. You could imagine what each of the omegas was like and what their different personalities were like. I had a hard time with Sugar and her naiveté’. However, Daedalus was a fantastic hero. A bald and tattooed vampire training and fighting with the geeks of the werewolf world; how fun is that? This was a quirky fun book with a different perspective. I’d recommend it.
Do You like book The Omegas (2010)?
Not to be mean or anything, but in fanfiction terms this would pretty much be a PWP.
It was ok but missing something. I wanted a little more connection between the h/h.
Rating~ 3 stars.I took a chance on this book and this book turned out ok.